* SAP*材料大师 Accounting 2: Optimizing Sales and Distribution Management

This blog article explores the * SAP*材料大师 screen Accounting 2 and its technical details, such as organizational units, tables, customization transactions, and business transactions. Discover how this view can help optimize sales and distribution management by providing a comprehensive view of all sales-related information for a specific material in one place.
* SAP*材料大师 Accounting 2: Optimizing Sales and Distribution Management

The * SAP*材料大师 screen Accounting 2 is a part of the SAP ERP system used to manage sales-related data for materials within an organization. This screen allows users to view and edit sales-related information for a specific material.





Overall, the * SAP*材料大师 screen Accounting 2 is an essential tool for managing sales-related data for materials within an organization, providing a comprehensive view of all sales-related information for a specific material in one place.

与Accounting 2视图相关的技术细节

The * SAP*材料大师 screen Accounting 2 is associated with various technical details that are crucial for its proper functioning. These details include organizational units, tables, customization transactions, and business transactions.


The main organizational units associated with the * SAP*材料大师 screen Accounting 2 are the sales organization, distribution channel, and plant. The sales organization is responsible for sales-related transactions, while the distribution channel is responsible for the distribution of materials to customers. The plant is responsible for the production and inventory management of the material.


Several tables are involved in maintaining data related to the * SAP*材料大师 screen Accounting 2. Some of the critical tables are:

  • MARA:物料主通用数据
  • MVKE:材料的销售数据
  • KNA1:客户大师中的一般数据
  • KNVV:客户的销售区域数据


The main customization transactions associated with the * SAP*材料大师 screen Accounting 2 are:

  • MM01:创建材料主
  • MM02:修改材料主
  • MM03:显示材料大师

这些交易用于自定义 SAP材料主屏幕会计2以满足特定的组织要求。


与 SAP材料主屏幕会计2相关的主要业务交易是:

  • 销售:销售订单(SO),交货和计费
  • 分销:股票转让订单(STO),出站交付和货物问题



总之, SAP材料主屏幕会计2与各种技术细节有关,这些细节对于其适当的功能至关重要。了解这些技术细节对于有效管理组织内材料的销售相关数据至关重要。


SAP Material Master Accounting 2屏幕在销售和分销管理中扮演什么角色?

Yoann Bierling
关于作者 - Yoann Bierling
Yoann Bierling是一家网络出版和数字咨询专业人员,通过技术专业知识和创新产生了全球影响。热衷于赋予个人和组织在数字时代蓬勃发展,他被迫取得出色的成果,并通过创建教育内容来推动成长。

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