SAP: Solve the error no amount authorization for customers/vendors in company code message F5155
The error message F5155 might popup when tolerance group has not been properly defined for the user group to which you are assigned, and you are trying to enter an incoming invoice for that company code.
While this SAP error is not difficult to solve, it does require customizing access to the SPRO IMG, which might only be done by users with such access like functional consultants or system administrators.
If that is your case, if you have a SAP IDES access or another SAP testing environment, let's see how to solve the error message F5155.
Error: No amount authorization for customers/vendors in company code
When entering an incoming invoice in transaction MIRO (enter incoming invoice transaction), the error no amount authorization for customers vendors in company might pop up when trying to save basic data for that invoice.
It will be displayed in the info bar, at the bottom of the SAP screen, and will require customizing access to be solved.
First, let's have a look at the error message by double clicking on the error.
SAP error message F5155
The error message F5155 specifies that you are not assigned to a user group, and therefore have no amount authorization that applies: invoices are limited by this amount setup for each user group.
Without an user group assigned to a SAP user, the value chosen for the blank user will apply, and it might be the case that there is no amount yet setup for blank user.
Create a tolerance group for users
In order to solve that issue, start by opening the SPRO IMG transaction, and navigate to materials management > logistics invoice verification > authorization management, and open there the define tolerance groups settings.
Then, double check if a tolerance group exist for given company code. If that is not the case, click on the icon to create a new tolerance group, and enter the company code for which the tolerance group will have to be created.
Change view FI tolerance group
Once the tolerance group has been created for the company code, you can select the various tolerances that apply to the group for the company code, and the currency in which it applies.
Upper limits for posting procedures
- amount per document
- amount per open item account item
- cash discount per line item
- permitted payment difference for revenue in amount, percent and cash discount
- permitted payment difference for expense in amount, percent and cash discount
After saving, you will be back to the list of tolerance groups for user per company code, and will be able to visualize the new tolerance group created.
Save and transport the tolerance group
The last step is to save the tolerance groups for users, including the new one you have just created, before being able to proceed with invoice creation.
However, after clicking on save button, there will be one last step: you will be requested for a transport request, and then you can go back to transaction MIRO invoice creation!
Frequently Asked Questions
- What does SAP error message F5155 mean?
- Error message F5155 indicates that you are not assigned to a user group and therefore do not have an applicable amount authorization: Invoices are limited to this amount setting per user group.
- How to resolve error F5155 in SAP?
- Error F5155, related to amount authorization for customers/vendors, is resolved by properly defining the tolerance group for the user group.

Yoann Bierling is a Web Publishing & Digital Consulting professional, making a global impact through expertise and innovation in technologies. Passionate about empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in the digital age, he is driven to deliver exceptional results and drive growth through educational content creation.