Profit center does not exist for date SAP

While creating a Cost Center in SAP, the issue KM701 Profit Center does not exist might arise or, simply, looking how to create a Profit Center ? Or trying to use an inactive Profit Center, but getting the error KM738 Profit center saved in inactive status (see below for this last error) ?

Create profit center in SAP

While creating a Cost Center in SAP, the issue KM701 Profit Center does not exist might arise or, simply, looking how to create a Profit Center ? Or trying to use an inactive Profit Center, but getting the error KM738 Profit center saved in inactive status (see below for this last error) ?

If facing the issue KM701 Profit center does not exist, the Performance Assistant give a direct link to the transaction

Otherwise, it is possible to go to transaction code KE51, or, in the SAP menu, go to Accounting > Controlling > Profit Center Accounting > Master Data > Profit Center > Individual Processing > KE51 Create

In the main screen, enter the requested Profit Center code, the corresponding Controlling Area, and press enter or copy from an existing Profit Center

Profit center not found in controlling area

Basic data needs a period (from when it should be valid to when it should be invalid, last date being by default forever), a name, a person responsible, and a Profit Center Group, to be chosen from the Profit Center hierarchy.

Save it and the following information box will appear, saying that the Profit Center has been created but is currently inactive

See the description of that information message. The Profit center is inactive and has to be activated.

Open the corresponding Profit Center in KE52, and click on the Activate icon :

Profit center should have been saved, and is now ready to be used for a Cost Center.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to address the 'Profit center does not exist for date' error in SAP?
This error typically requires setting up or adjusting the validity period of the profit center in question.

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Yoann Bierling
About the author - Yoann Bierling
Yoann Bierling is a Web Publishing & Digital Consulting professional, making a global impact through expertise and innovation in technologies. Passionate about empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in the digital age, he is driven to deliver exceptional results and drive growth through educational content creation.

Comments (7)

 2018-08-19 -  Florence Maxwell
 2018-08-19 -  Roy Hernandez
Thông tin tuyệt vời, cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẻ
 2018-08-19 -  Joyouiley
 2018-08-19 -  Actuating
Genau das, was ich gesucht habe, perfekt
 2018-08-19 -  aubiV
Bu men uchun yaxshi ishlagan, boshqa hech qanday qarashga hojat yo'q
 2018-08-19 -  lovlaus0
ਗ੍ਰੇਟ ਸਾਈਟ, ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੋ
 2018-08-19 -  hazmac5
Wow, see on tõesti nii lihtne, proovib seda kohe

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